Monday, May 13, 2013

Google Adsense Do’s And Dont’s

 Google Adsense Do’s

  1. Read Google’s Terms and Conditions thoroughly. Before starting your adsense campaign it is vital to really read and understand the terms and conditions set by Google Adsense to avoid being banned in the end.
  2. Create good content. It is beneficial to write useful contents on your site in order to attract more visitors and entice them to back for more.
  3. Be patient. Google Adsense is not intended for those desperate to earn money overnight. You have to exert effort first. Writing the topic you really love and care about would keep you inspired and motivated to write more and more content and never quit until you start seeing some money rolling towards your bank account.
  4. Find best ad placement. This is one of the most critical points when using Google Adsense. Google Adsense team itself suggests the best spots to place Google Adsense Ads. Find out where those places are HERE.
  5. Understand and Learn Google Adsense. Should you have time, its better to get to know Google Adsense very well. Sign up to your account and explore everything on the dashboard. Participate in Google Help forum to have more knowledge about adsense.

Google Adsense Dont’s

  • Dont Click Ads. Okay its the most common mistake most banned publishers do. Don’t you ever click or ask anybody to click be it your family members, friends, classmates or relatives. Google is too smart to track those clicks.
  • Dont edit Google Adsense code. Dont edit the code just to change the way the ads look like to fool viewers. That is merely cheating. Google Adsense provides users custom design and templates already. Changing or editing the code is a violation to the terms and conditions.
  • Dont buy traffic. Dont advertise your site to cheap campaigns like the ones in bux sites just to have plenty of traffic if you are using Google Adsense. Google is wise enough to determine paid traffic. And should you be caught then its the end of your Google Adsense journey.


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